Zach - May-June 2008 click here to go to Zach's July-August '08 page

Still in TO, Zach & Mommy needed to get out on a rainy day - hello, greenhouse at Centennial Park! 05/03/08

Still raining, Zach was desperate to play outside. Suit yourself! :=D 05/03/08

Those hammers are so cool to watch! 05/03/08

Daddy joined us; here, playing "bow-ows" (pillows) with his boy! 05/10/08

Two handsome Beiswenger boys :=) (Back at Grandma's) 05/25/08

Zach is learning new tricks all the time! 05/25/08

Zach was a real help, weeding with "Mama" (Grandma)!! 05/26/08

Zach loves kicking the ball around - and I get a kick out of the way he raises his hand with each kick! :=D 05/26/08

Our daily feline visitor. "Meow!" 05/29/08

Poor Zach - we had a fun morning at the zoo, came back to Grandma's, and he was sooo sick, for nearly 48hrs. :=( (So sick, that he fell asleep in this chair! Very uncharacteristic of him. Sigh!!) 06/04/08

By the weekend, he was having fun at June Fête! (He really did want to go on this ride - a few times over - he just didn't smile, at all?!) 06/08/08

...I guess he's just too cool to smile? 06/08/08

Our budding tatoo artist :=) 06/11/08

Grandma kindly put us up/put up with us for 3 mos, then we moved! (click here to see more) 06/15/08

Our first play date at our new house - the Three Musketeers play the piano. (Jack, Mia & Zach) 06/20/08

One of Zach's FAVOURITE new pass-times: 'driving' (here, Daddy's) car! 06/20/08

What summer is complete without a romp through the sprinkler? 06/22/08

Another of Zach's favourite new pass-times: dancing "Low, low, low" with Daddy! (...Until Daddy's iPod just bit the dust, sigh!!!) 06/28/08

Hair freshly cut, drinking like a big boy from his very own mug. 06/29/08

'Blowing' bubbles with Aunt Karie! 06/29/08

Singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" - TOO cute!! 06/29/08

Zach discovered divots in the bottom of his booster seat, and decided they needed to be filled with stones. :=) 06/29/08

click here to go to Zach's July-August '08 page